
Review the list of API responses and errors that can be returned when making an API call.

Success Codes

The following codes will be returned when your API request was successful.


200 OK

The request was successful, and the requested resources are included in the body.

201 Created

A resource was successfully created.

202 Accepted

Your request has been updated or is processing.

204 No Content

The request was successful but there was no content to be returned. Typically, this response is returned when requesting a list with specific filters that matched no records.

Error Codes

The error codes below describe the reason your request failed.


400 Bad Request

The server could not understand the request. This is usually caused by a malformed payload or invalid property names.

401 Unauthorized

This error is caused by providing invalid authentication credentials or using an expired/invalid access or refresh token.

403 Forbidden

The token used does not have the proper permission to view the requested resource. Items with their visibility set to members only will return a 403 response if the customer does not have an active membership. This error should be reported back to the user.

429 Too many requests

The token used has reached the request rate limit. View Rate Limit details for information on the rate limit caps.

500 Internal Server Error

In the unlikely event that a 500 error response is returned, report this to the Peoplevine Support team for assistance.

Error Details

Your failed API call response might contain additional information that will help you understand the reason your API call failed and how to fix the request.




A short error code i.e. "not_available".



A longer description with details of what caused the error.



An object that will contain data to give more details on multiple errors. Some endpoints that process multiple requests at once will validate all items before processing. In this instance, multiple errors can occur, and Error Details is where the details of all errors will be contained.



A URL that provides more details on the error to help you debug the error cause.