Formats, Limits, and Pagination

Date Format

Dates in the Peoplevine APIs need to be structured using the following ISO 8601 format: with each parameter as follows:

  • YYYY = Year in 4 digit format

  • MM = Month in 2 digit format

  • DD = Day in 2 digit format

  • HH = Hour in 24 hour format using 2 digits

  • mm = minutes in 2 digit format

  • ss = seconds in 2 digit format

  • ms = milliseconds in 3 digit format

Using this formula, 11:32.253 PM on August 17, 1932 would look like this:


Rate Limits

Peoplevine APIs limit the number of requests to 3600 per 15 minutes in order to keep the platform stable for all users.

Customers should contact to discuss higher rate limits.


Pagination is used to split large data sets into smaller and more manageable chunks. Each page is limited to a specific number of records, i.e. page_size. This setting is defined in the header of the request.

    "page_number": 1,
    "page_size": 25,
    "total_pages": 5,
    "total_count": 102,
    "has_previous_page": false,
    "has_next_page": true

The data contained in the pagination header provides details of the number of items returned as well as the number of total items that were found.

Property NameDescription


The current page (Always starts at 1)


The maximum number of items on each page


The total number of pages available (item_count / page_size)


The total number of items that were found


A boolean value to indicate if there is a page before your current page


A boolean value to indicate if you are at the end of the paginated results