Connect Book4Time and Peoplevine

This document serves as a detailed integration guide for synchronizing Book4Time with Peoplevine to facilitate online booking of appointments though a member application. The integration enables real-time syncing of member information, batch updates for spa bookings, instant availability checks, and a variety of payment options.

Key Features

  • Member Synchronization: A Member's name, contact information, status, and preferences are all synced in real-time to Book4Time. Any updates or member status changes that occur to a member profile are reflected in Book4Time automatically.

  • Reservation Management: Booking data is sent to Peoplevine in daily batches so that, whether done in person, on the phone, or through the member portal, the booking data is always up-to-date.

  • Unified Booking: Complete real-time visibility into booking availability across multiple services for both you and your members, enabling them to confirm or cancel their booking in real-time.

  • Member Payment Management: Pay with card on file, automated clearing house (ACH) on file, house credits, or house account processed directly in the member platform.

Before you begin

Before initiating the integration process, ensure you have:

  • Your Book4Time API key and Account key:

    The Book4Time API and Account Keys can be provided only by your Book4Time account representative. Contact your account representative to retrieve your Book4Time API and Account Keys.

  • Added a Peoplevine Tender Type.

    To see if you have added a Peoplevine Tender Type, go to Admin > System Settings > Tender Types. If you do not see the Peoplevine Tender type in the list, then you must create a new Tender Type for Peoplevine.

Add a Peoplevine Tender Type

  1. Log in to your Book4Time admin account.

  2. On the Book4Time dashboard, go to the Admin tab.

  3. From the Admin dropdown list, select System Setting.

  4. In the System Settings side menu, choose POS Settings.

  5. From the POS Settings list, select Tender Types.

  6. On the Tender Types page, click Add New Tender Type.

  7. You can configure the Tender Type settings to your desired configuration, however, there are 9 fields that must be configured for Peoplevine.

    1. In the Tender Name field, enter the name as Peoplevine Payment on File.

    2. For Type, select Other from the dropdown.

    3. Set the Sort Order to 1.

    4. Select the Allow for payments checkbox.

    5. Click the Allow Over-tendering checkbox.

    6. Select the Prompt user for additional information checkbox.

    7. In the Prompt Message text box, type Enter PV Customer_no.

    8. Click the Allow for guarantee booking checkbox.

    9. Select the Qualify for Incentive Coupon checkbox.

  8. Click Finish when you are done configuring the Tender Type.

  9. Click Save to complete the process

    1. Activate the Peoplevine Tender Type for each location that you want to enable the integration for.

    2. Go to Admin -> Account Management.

    3. Click Locations, then choose the location where you want to enable the integration.

    4. Next, click the Tender Setup tab and enable Peoplevine Payment on File.

    5. Click Save to complete the process

Configure Online Booking Management settings

The Peoplevine and Book4Time integration requires that some of the Online Booking Management settings in Book4Time are disabled for data to flow properly from Book4Time to Peoplevine.

  1. Log in to your Book4Time admin account.

  2. On the Book4Time dashboard, go to the Admin tab.

  3. From the Admin dropdown list, select Online Booking Management.

  4. On the Online Booking Management page, click Settings.

  5. The Setting page displays a list of settings and preferences for online booking in Book4Time. Ensure that the following settings are disabled:

    1. Require login before showing availability

    2. Customer mobile phone required

    3. No gender selection for technician

    4. Skip guarantee for $0 bookings

    5. Use deferred guarantee checkout

    6. Customer address required

    7. Customer birthday required

    8. Customer gender required

  6. If any of these settings are enabled, disable them.

    1. On the Online Booking page, click the Edit button.

    2. Deselect all of the aforementioned settings by clicking the checkbox next to the setting

  7. Click Finish when all settings are deselected.

Connect Peoplevine and Book4Time

To connect Peoplevine and Book4Time, you must enter your Book4Time API key, Account key, and API account log-in credentials into Peoplevine, as well as enable webhooks in Book4Time. Additionally, you must configure some Book4Time settings in Peoplevine.

Enter API credentials into Peoplevine

  1. Log in to the Peoplevine Control Panel.

  2. From the Peoplevine banner, choose Automate.

  3. Under Integrations, select Integrated Platforms.

  4. Under Integrated Platforms, in the Reservations section, choose Book4Time.

  5. In the Book4Time Authentication section, go to the Associate with Location dropdown and choose the location for integration.

  6. In the API Location section, select where the API’s datacenter is located. This could be:

    1. North America

    2. Europe and Middle East

    3. Asia Pacific

  7. Then enter your API Token and Account Token into their respective fields.

  8. Next, click Validate Credentials. You are returned to the Integrated Platforms page.

  9. Go to the Location that you just created and click Edit.

  10. Scroll to the Credentials to Authenticate API section and enter your API credentials into the following fields:

    1. Login ID - enter your Book4Time API login ID. This could be a username or email address.

    2. Password enter your Book4Time API account password.

    3. Login URL - enter the login URL that you use to access your Book4Time API account.

    Note: If either the Login ID or Password for the Login URL for a connection are modified, this change must be updated for the company in all connections on Peoplevine. If this is not completed, synchronization of data will fail.

  11. Next, go to the Enable Webhooks section and click the Enable Webhooks checkbox.

  12. Copy the webhook URL at the end of the Enable Webhooks section and paste it into a secure location. The webhook URL is used in setting up the webhook connection in Book4Time.

Configure webhooks in Book4Time

  1. Log in to your Book4Time admin account.

  2. On the Book4Time dashboard, go to the Admin tab.

  3. From the Admin dropdown list, select System Settings.

  4. In the System Settings side menu, choose Global Preferences > Webhooks.

  5. On the Webhooks page, click Add a webhook.

  6. In the Webhook configuration window, fill out the following fields:

    1. Description - enter the description as Peoplevine - Appointment Add (replace Appointment Add with the Events name).

    2. Endpoint - The Endpoint.

    3. Enable - select this checkbox.

    4. SSL Verification - deselect this checkbox.

    5. Secret - enter XX for this field.

    6. Events - choose which event to configure.

  7. Click Finish to add the webhook.

Return to the Peoplevine dashboard to finish the integration process.

Configure Book4Time settings in Peoplevine

  1. Log in to the Peoplevine Control Panel.

  2. From the Peoplevine banner, choose Automate.

  3. Under Integrations, select Integrated Platforms.

  4. Under Integrated Platforms, in the Reservations section, choose Book4Time.

  5. Choose the location that you created and click Edit.

  6. Go to the settings section and configure the following fields to suit your needs:

    1. Location Specific location's ID.

    2. Member Guest Type - Peoplevine Member Type ID.

    3. Hotel Guest Type - Temporary Hotel Guest Type ID.

    4. Request Type - Default Request Type used when booking.

    5. Member Group - The customer group to sync members to.

    6. Customer Group - The customer group to sync hotel guests or canceled members to.

    7. Cancel Reason - The default ID for cancel reason.

  7. Next, go to the Setup Member Payment-On-File section to configure the payment types for the integration. Configure the following fields to suit your needs:

    1. Tender Type Auto Attempts House Credits then payment on file and fails to House Account.

    2. Tender Type Member Account Attempts payment on file and fails to House Account.

    3. Tender Type House Account Closes payment to their House Account.

  8. Click Update Connection to complete the process.

The Connection between Book4Time and Peoplevine is set up and should begin flowing between the two platforms.

Book4Time Membership Guidelines

General Rules:

  • API Tokens: You must contact your Book4Time representative and request permission to use the API tokens for Membership requests.

  • Single Active Membership: Book4Time allows only one active membership at a time.

  • Syncing Active Memberships: Peoplevine syncs only active memberships, filtering out temporary guests.

  • Primary Membership Priority: The primary membership takes precedence over other memberships. Subsequent memberships are prioritized based on their age, with the oldest membership given the next highest priority after the primary membership. If there are multiple primary memberships, the oldest one is prioritized.

  • Automatic SKU Addition: If the membership SKU is not present in Book4Time or not set in the Peoplevine Control Panel, Peoplevine automatically adds it in Book4Time under the name “PPV membership.”

  • Membership Numbering:

    • For memberships with the “PPV” SKU, the ‘membership #’ is taken from the “customer_no” in Peoplevine.

    • For other SKUs added by Peoplevine or those present by default in Book4Time, the ‘membership #’ is taken from the ‘membership_card_no’ value in Peoplevine.

  • Permanent Memberships: The membership programs created in Book4Time must be set to “permanent” to ensure they don’t expire.

Integration Preparation

  • Example: If you have a membership with SKU ‘GOLD’ in both Peoplevine and Book4Time, those SKUs will map to each other. If the ‘GOLD’ membership on a customer profile is matched based on the rules described above, it will be linked between the two systems, and the pricing levels are defined based on the settings there.

Membership Management Guidelines

  1. Adding Primary Membership:

    • When a membership is first added to your profile in Book4Time, it is automatically set as the primary membership.

    • If the membership existed in Book4Time before connecting with Peoplevine, the profile is automatically associated with that membership, and the customer group is programmatically added based on your configurations in Book4Time.

    • If the membership is not set in Book4Time, or if the SKU field is empty, the profile is added in Book4Time with the Peoplevine membership name set as PPV. The customer group determines the default settings for Peoplevine members.

  2. Adding Additional Memberships:

    • If an additional membership is added to the profile after the primary Book4Time profile was set to active, and that membership is not set to Book4Time (i.e., the SKU is not set or empty):

      • Primary Membership: No action is needed if the second membership is the primary membership.

      • Non-Primary Membership: No action is needed.

  3. Handling Additional Book4Time Memberships:

    • If an additional membership is added to the profile after the Book4Time membership is set to active:

      • Primary Membership: No action is needed if the membership is Book4Time and the primary membership.

      • Mistaken Primary Assignment: If the additional Book4Time membership is mistakenly set as the primary membership, a new membership should be designated as the primary.

  4. Non-Book4Time Membership Display:

    • A non-Book4Time membership in Peoplevine displays as “PPV” in the Book4Time UI.

      • Second Active Membership: If you add a second active non-Book4Time membership in Peoplevine, it will not be set as the primary membership, and no action is needed in the Book4Time UI.

      • Designating Primary Membership: If the second non-Book4Time membership is designated as the primary membership, no action is needed in the Book4Time UI.

      • Non-Primary Designation: If the second non-Book4Time membership is not designated as the primary membership, it will be assigned to the profile in the Book4Time UI.

Canceling Memberships

  1. Canceling a Single Primary Membership:

    1. Book4Time Membership: If canceling a profile with one primary Book4Time membership, the membership is canceled, and the customer group is set to the default Book4Time settings for non-members.

    2. Non-Book4Time Membership: If canceling a profile with one primary non-Book4Time membership, the membership is canceled, and the customer group is set to the default Book4Time settings for non-members.

  2. Canceling a Profile with Multiple Non-Book4Time Memberships:

    1. All memberships are canceled.

    2. Next Active Membership: The next active membership should be a non-Book4Time membership. If the Book4Time SKU is missing or empty:

      • Adding to Profile: If the next active membership is a Book4Time membership and exists in the Book4Time system, add it to the profile in Book4Time.

      • Peoplevine Membership: If the next active membership is non-Book4Time or if the Book4Time SKU is missing or empty, the profile is added in Book4Time with the Peoplevine membership, and the customer group reverts to the default settings for Peoplevine members.

  3. Canceling a Profile with Multiple Primary Book4Time Memberships:

    1. All primary memberships are canceled.

    2. Next Active Membership: The system will automatically assign the next oldest membership as the new primary membership. If there is another Book4Time membership in the profile, it will be designated as the new primary membership based on priority and age. If no other Book4Time memberships exist, the Peoplevine membership will be set as the default primary membership.

Charge a member for a guest appointment

When a member books an appointment for a guest, i.e. someone who is not a member, the member in many cases is also paying for the guest's appointment. You can easily set this up following the instructions in this section.

  1. Navigate to Admin -> System Settings -> POS Settings -> Tender Types.

  2. Select Edit beside the Peoplevine payment type, in this example, it is Peoplevine Payment on File.

  3. This opens Tender Type settings. Scroll to the Prompt fields.

    • Prompt user for additional information: Check the checkbox to add additional information (such as membership number) required when accepting this method of payment. When the check box is selected, the following fields are enabled:

      • Prompt message: Enter the additional information field name. Example: “Enter Membership ID”.

      • Prompt numeric only: Check the checkbox if the information should be a numeric value only.

      • Prompt information required: Check the checkbox if the additional information field (Prompt message) is a mandatory field. If this is checked, you will always need to provide a Membership ID with this payment type.

      • Print prompt data on receipt: Check the checkbox to print the additional prompt information on the receipt. For example, you can print the Membership ID on the receipt.

  4. During check-out, click the Payment button and select Peoplevine Payment on File. The prompt displays requesting the Membership ID.

  5. The member charged in this example is Viktoriya Yanakieva with a membership ID of 5704628.

  6. Type this Membership ID into the requested field and click Accept.

  7. Click Finish and approve that the transaction is done.

  8. You can verify that the transaction was completed using the member's payment method in both the Order page and the Transaction page.

  9. If there are any issues, please contact

Use the Book4Time APIs

If you want to use the Book4Time APIs with your app, this attached PDF will guide you through authenticating, generating a token, and completing bookings with their APIs.

Last updated