Connect Micros Simphony with Peoplevine

This document provides a comprehensive guide to integrating Micros Simphony with Peoplevine and your systems.

The integration facilitates a range of functions directly from the Point of Sale (POS) system, enhancing operational efficiency and customer experience.

Key Features and Benefits

By integrating Micros Simphony with Peoplevine, the following functionalities are enabled:

  • Member Spend Tracking: Identify and associate members with their orders to monitor and track member spending.

  • Member-Exclusive Discounts: Implement check-level discounts exclusive to members.

  • Card on File Payments: Enable members to make instant payments using their stored card information through Peoplevine.

  • House Account Payments: Offer the option for members to pay via house accounts, which subsequently generates an invoice within Peoplevine.

  • Stipend and Gift Card Payments: Allow payment through stipends or gift cards managed and issued via Peoplevine.

Integration Architecture

To successfully complete the installation and setup, you will require access to the Oracle Enterprise Management Console (EMC), the Peoplevine Control Panel, and all of the POS terminals that you want to deploy the integration on.

Step 1: Configuration File Generation

  • Generate a configuration file tailored for each terminal; this can include distinct settings for different locations.

  • Access Requirement: Manager-level permissions in the Peoplevine Control Panel.

Step 2: EMC Configuration

  • Configure the EMC to interface with Peoplevine by adding new functionalities.

  • Tasks:

    1. Install an extension application to facilitate communication between Micros Simphony and Peoplevine.

    2. Create a new button within the EMC for easy access to Peoplevine features.

    3. Set up payment buttons to allow transactions through Peoplevine.

    4. Implement member-exclusive discounts.

    5. Define tender options for Peoplevine transactions.

Step 3: File Deployment

  • Deploy a total of three files to each terminal to enable Peoplevine integration. These files consist of one configuration file generated in Step 1 and two additional static files provided by Peoplevine.

  • Access Requirement: Manager-level access is needed to close Simphony for the deployment of these files.

Before you begin

Before you can take advantage of the Peoplevine and Oracle Micros Simphony integration, ensure that you have:

  • One of the following versions of Micros Simphony:

    • Cloud Installs: 18.2+, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5+

    • On Premise Installs: 2.7. 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 18.2+, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5+

  • A Windows terminal for the integration.

  • Your Profile and Locations are properly configured.

Note: For more information about setting up or editing your Profile and Locations, see Locations.

To integrate Micros Simphony with Peoplevine

Step 1. Add your Micros Simphony deployment to Peoplevine

  1. Login to the Peoplevine Control Panel.

  2. From the Peoplevine banner, choose Automate, click Integrated Platforms.

  3. In the POS + Hospitality section, choose Micros Simphony. You are taken to the Oracle Micros Simphony Authentication page.

  4. Go to the Add Oracle Micros Simphony POS Location section and enter the necessary information about your POS location:

    1. In the Associate with Location, choose the location that you would like to set up from the directory.

    2. Enter a name for the location. This is used for reporting orders into the platform.

    3. Next, copy the API Key and save it in a secure location. This API key is used to set up your Oracle Micros integration. Peoplevine automatically generates a configuration file to include this API Key.

  5. Click Create Location. The system generates credentials leveraging your account information to be used in this connection.

  6. You are prompted to download the files to install on each terminal. If you don’t see this immediately, click on the Generate Config File under the location card.

  7. Then download the DLL files by selecting the version that matches your version of Simphony and install both the config file and the dll file on the terminal. If you are on 18.2, then select Download <= 19.1 DLL, if you are on a version > 19.2, then select >= 19.2 DLL. You will also need to click download config file and replace the config file downloaded with the DLL files.

    1. Unblock Files: After downloading the files, Windows by default blocks the files, right-click and in the Properties window, you may notice the file is blocked by Windows. Check the box to unblock and apply changes.


  • It is essential to accurately input all location details to ensure a smooth integration process.

  • Make sure to select the correct version of the files to match your current Simphony version.

  • The integration process is not complete until all steps are accurately followed, and the necessary files are installed on each terminal.

Step 2. Connect Micros Simphony and Peoplevine

  1. Launch EMC Tool: Open the Micros Simphony Back of House and start the EMC (Enterprise Management Console) tool and log in with operating manager credentials.

  2. Create Extension Application:

    1. Navigate to EMC Setup -> Extension Application under Custom Content.

    2. Click the + icon to add a new row.

    3. Enter "PVExtApp" as the Record Name and select OK. The default settings for other fields are sufficient.

    4. Once created, click on menu next to Options. Then select the 5 checkbox to Post extension application data to Reporting and Analytics.

  3. Next, configure Discounts in EMC.

    1. Go to EMS Configuration -> Discounts.

    2. Create a new entry with ID 70. If ID 70 is unavailable, modify this ID in the generated configuration file.

    3. Under General, activate the Enables and set On = Open; Off = Preset. Ensure you enter a standard discount > 0, this value is dynamically applied based on the Membership Program’s set discount.

    4. In RVC Type, choose all relevant options for your business needs.

    5. Under Itemizers, select all applicable items.

    6. In Menu Levels, choose Select All.

    7. Peoplevine recommends that you compare these settings to an existing discount for reference.

  4. Set up Tender/Media in EMC.

    1. Navigate to EMS Configuration -> Tender/Media.

    2. Create a new entry with ID 70, modifying the ID in the configuration file if necessary.

    3. Set Key Type to Payment in the General section.

    4. In Options, access Charge Tip Options and enable tips.

    5. Select “Select All” in Menu Levels.

    6. We recommend you compare these settings to an existing tender.

  5. Customize Page Design for Transaction/Payment.

    1. In EMS Configuration -> Page Design, right-click on the Transaction/Payment page.

    2. Choose Override Record -> Use Existing Record. For existing pages, double-click on the Transaction row.

    3. Select the area for adding Peoplevine buttons and click Add Button.

    4. It’s advised to add the member lookup to the bottom of the Transaction Screen.

    5. Add payment buttons to the Pay screen on the Transactions page.

    6. Set Type to Function and choose Run Extensibility App From File.

    7. Clear any previous arguments in the Arguments section before proceeding.

    8. Click Generate and edit the text.

    9. Set Arguments as follows:

      1. type = dll

      2. appname = PVExtApp

      3. filename = PVExtApp.dll

      4. script = leave blank

      5. function = [Choose appropriate function from the list below]

      6. arg = [leave blank]

    10. Create buttons with the specified captions and functions:

      1. Peoplevine Member: SetMember

      2. Peoplevine Auto Pay: SetPaymentAuto

      3. Peoplevine House Account: SetPaymentHouse

      4. Peoplevine Card on File: SetPaymentCard

      5. Peoplevine House Credits: SetPaymentBalance

Download Files DLL Files from Peoplevine

  1. Go to the Peoplevine Control Panel and Download the Install DLL Files for the appropriate version of Micros Simphony (18.2, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5+).

  2. While you can generate these files automatically by setting up the location, this provides an overview of how the Configuration PVExtApp.dll.config File is setup:

    1. Either use "Generate Config File" for the authentication to generate and a new config file or manually edit the downloaded PVExtApp.dll.config file.

      1. Set the following parameters:

        1. host: Region 1 or Region 2 depending on your dashboard login (.com = 1 or = 2)Peoplevine Connect Region URL.

        2. auth_id: API Key from Peoplevine Control Panel.

        3. discount_id: The ID set in step 2 (default is 70).

        4. payment_id: The ID set in step 3 (default is 70).

        5. company_no: Your company number from Company Profile.

        6. username: Generated upon authenticating with Peoplevine Connect.

        7. password: Generated upon authenticating with Peoplevine Connect.

        8. region: Your associated region number.

        9. member_lookup: Set to 1 for full experience or 0 for member ID only.

  3. In the Simphony client, go to Functions -> Manager Functions -> Close Application.

  4. Copy Files to Each Client in the directory: C:\Micros\Simphony\WebServer\wwwroot\EGateway\Handlers:

    1. PVExtApp.dll

    2. PVExtApp.dll.config

    3. PVPOSConnect.dll

Note: The Windows operating system can sometimes prevent these files from running. To unblock these files: right-click on each file, then click Unblock.

  1. Start the POS Client Application by running ServiceHost.exe.

  2. Perform a Reload Workstation Database operation to update the workstation with the latest configuration.

  3. Restart the POS Client Application for the new extension application to load.

Additional Reference

  • For more detailed instructions, refer to Oracle's documentation on installing an extension application.

Enable Simphony Transaction Services

To enable Simphony Transaction Services in your deployment of the Micros Simphony and Peoplevine integration, you need the configuration settings from the EMC and must input them into the corresponding terminal location in Peoplevine.

  1. Open the EMC on the terminal that you would like to enable the services on.

  2. From the EMC dashboard, click the Setup tab.

  3. On the Setup tab, select Extension Application under Custom Content.

  4. From the list of extensions, go to the extension named PVEextApp.

  5. Under the options section, click the Settings Menu button that displays as three horizontal dots.

  6. On the menu that displays, choose option 5 – Post extension application data to Reporting and Analytics, and click OK.

  7. Save this configuration and return to the EMC dashboard.

  8. Go to the Revenue Center for each terminal that you want to enable for this integration and complete the following:

    1. In the EMC Revenue Center, select the RVC Parameters tab.

    2. On the RVC Parameters tab, click the Options tab.

    3. Under General, locate and enable option 74 Enable Simphony Transaction Services Gen 2.

    4. Save this configuration and return to the EMC dashboard.

  9. On the Setup tab, under Parameters, click Enterprise Parameters.

  10. From the Enterprise Parameters page, go to the Applications tab. You use the information on this tab to configure the STS settings in the Peoplevine Control Panel.

  11. Open your Peoplevine deployment dropdown and click Integrated Platforms.

  12. In the POS + Hospitality section, choose Micros Simphony. You are taken to the Oracle Micros Simphony Authentication page.

  13. Choose the location of the terminal that you would like to set up STS on. Ensure that this corresponds with the terminal location that was configured earlier.

  14. Click Edit and go to the Add Oracle Micros Simphony POS Location, then toggle the Simphony Transaction Services switch. Additional fields are displayed.

  15. Return to the EMC and copy the URL from the Transaction Services Generation 2 Services text box.

  16. Return to the Peoplevine Control Panel and paste the URL into the STWSG2 Base URL text box.

  17. Go back to the EMC and copy the OpenID Provider URL and paste it into the Authentication Services URL in the Peoplevine Control Panel.

  18. Now, log in to the Oracle MICROS OPERA Reporting and Analytics tool, also referred to as RNA.

  19. From the dashboard, click the More Options menu on the left of the tool, then click Administration.

  20. Choose System tab -> API Accounts -> Add API Account.

  21. In the Type dropdown menu, choose Simphony Transaction Services.

  22. For Location Authorization Scope, choose All.

  23. Enter an account name. This can be any name of your choosing.

  24. Define an email address in the Email field.

  25. Next, choose your Client Scope:

    • Both

    • Local

    • Cloud

Note: Ensure that this matches your EMC terminal deployment.

  1. Click Add to complete the process.

  2. Copy the Client ID that was generated and return to the Peoplevine Control Panel.

  3. Paste the Client ID in the Client ID field.

  4. If you haven’t already, log in to the API Account that you just created and make note of the password.

  5. Enter the API Account username and password into the respective Username and Client Password fields in Peoplevine.

  6. Return to EMC to retrieve the Revenue Center Identifier:

    1. Under Locations, click the top level of location.

    2. Select the Setup tab and click RVC Configuration.

    3. Copy the number from the first column and paste it into the Revenue Center Identifier field in Peoplevine.

  7. In Peoplevine, define the Enterprise Short Name. This is the same as the Company Code that EMC requires to log in.

  8. In EMC, go to Enterprise level –> Setup –> Properties.

    1. Click Report Location, and then click the Edit button in the Oracle MICROS Reporting and Analytics section.

    2. Copy the Location Reference value.

    3. Paste the Location Reference into the Loc Ref field in the Peoplevine Control Panel.

  9. Once all the data is filled in, click Authenticate with Simphony Transaction Services.

Your EMC connection Peoplevine with Simphony Transaction Services is now set up and ready to be used.

Test the Micros Simphony and Peoplevine Integration

This guide outlines the process for testing the integration between Micros Simphony and Peoplevine. The integration enables member lookup and order synchronization with the CRM profile in Peoplevine.

  1. Member Lookup and Order Attachment

    1. Log in to the Terminal: Access the Micros Simphony terminal using your credentials.

    2. Add Items to Ticket: Perform this step as per usual operational procedures. Note that the order of steps can be interchanged.

    3. Initiate Member Lookup:

      1. Click on the Member icon to start the member lookup process. There are two modes for member lookup:

        • Member ID Interface: Set member_lookup to 0 or omit it to use this mode. It's designed to keep member data confidential from the waitstaff, providing only a Member ID interface.

        • Full Member Profile Lookup: This is the default setting, providing a comprehensive view of the member's profile.

  2. Testing Member Lookup Modes

    1. Member ID Mode:

      1. Verify that only the Member ID is prompted and accessible by the waitstaff. Ensure that no other personal member data is visible.

      2. Full Profile Mode: Check that the full member profile is accessible, including relevant CRM data. Confirm the ease of access and accuracy of the member information displayed.

  3. Order Synchronization with CRM

    1. Process a Test Transaction: Complete a transaction with a member's account.

    2. Verify CRM Update: Log in to the Peoplevine CRM platform.

      1. Confirm that the transaction details are accurately reflected in the member's CRM profile.

      2. Check for any discrepancies or delays in synchronization.

Additional Considerations

  • Privacy Compliance: When using the Member ID mode, ensure compliance with privacy policies and regulations.

  • Network and Hardware Check: Ensure that the terminal is correctly connected to the network and that all hardware components are functioning properly.

  • Error Handling: Test for errors or unexpected behavior during the lookup and transaction process. Note any error messages or system responses.

  • Documentation: Keep a record of all tests conducted, including any anomalies or issues encountered.

Reporting Issues

  • If you encounter any issues or inconsistencies during testing, report them to your IT support team or the relevant technical support for Peoplevine and Micros Simphony.

  • Provide detailed descriptions of the issues, including steps to reproduce them and any error messages received.


This section provides troubleshooting steps for common issues encountered during the integration of Micros Simphony and Peoplevine. Follow these instructions if you encounter errors or operational issues.

Common Issues and Solutions

Issue: System Cannot Find File


An error indicating that the system cannot find a specific file.

Resolution Steps

  1. File Verification: Ensure that all three files downloaded from our platform are copied to the directory: C:\Micros\Simphony\WebServer\wwwroot\EGateway\Handlers.

  2. Check for proper file placement. Files should not be in a sub-folder.

  3. Verify file extensions. Ensure that .dll extensions are correctly applied.

Issue: Windows Blocking Files


Persistent issues even after verifying file placement.

Resolution Steps

  1. File Properties Check: Locate the files, right-click on them, and select 'Properties'.

  2. Unblock Files: In the Properties window, you may notice the file is blocked by Windows. Check the box to unblock and apply changes.

  3. Restart and Update Database: Close Simphony, reopen it, and select 'Update Database'. This should resolve the issue.

Issue: Invalid Data at Root Level


An error stating "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1."

Resolution Steps

  1. Configuration File Verification: This error typically indicates the use of a generic configuration file, rather than the specific required version.

  2. Regenerate Config File:

  3. Select 'Generate Config File' in your system.

  4. Authenticate as required and download the configuration file.

Additional Support

If these steps do not resolve your issues, please contact our support team for further assistance. Provide detailed information about the error messages and steps already taken for a quicker resolution.

Last updated