
This will pull back membership data for the specific member viewing the page

This can be used to display information related to the member's membership on a content page i.e. subscription data

This can also be used in combination with a data-pv-conditional statement to gate content based on membership

<div data-pv-component="membership" data-pv-type="membershipcard" data-pv-parameters="{filter_customer_no: {@var_customer_no@}}" data-pv-object="abc">
    // Some code

Common HAPI elements used within the <div>:

  • {@membership.membership_name@}

  • {@membership.created_on@}

  • {@membership.membership_status@}

  • {@membership.membership_type@}

  • {@pointbalance@}

  • {@subscription.renewal_date@}

Common data-pv-parameters used within the <div>:

  • filter_customer_no: {@var_customer_no@}

  • membership_status: active, canceled, pending

Last updated