
This will pull back all FAQs set in the Control Panel and the data related to them.

FAQs can be created and managed here - https://control.peoplevine.com/admin_faqs.aspx

<div data-pv-component="content" data-pv-type="faq" data-pv-object="abc">
    // Some code

Common HAPI elements used within the <div>:

  • {@category_name@} - this will return the category assigned to the Event (if one is assigned)

  • {@created_on@} - this will return the date the FAQ was created on

  • {@faq_answer@} - this will return the FAQ answer

  • {@faq_question@} - this will return the FAQ question

Common data-pv-parameters used within the <div>:

  • returntotal: numeric value

  • sortby: 'newest', 'oldest', 'created_on'

Last updated